Lumbar pain: prevention and correct treatment
Lumbar pain is one of the most common ailments, experienced by millions of people worldwide.
It occurs in the lower back, ranging in intensity from mild discomfort to acute and debilitating pain.

Lumbar pain is a common ailment arising from different factors.
The most common are muscle tension, incorrect posture and a sedentary lifestyle.
In addition to rest and daily stretching, heat therapy provides effective relief from this type of pain, acting by relaxing contracted muscles and improving blood circulation in the affected area.
The symptoms of lumbar pain
The symptoms of lumbar pain may be limited to the lumbar area but can also spread to the pelvis, abdomen and legs.
In addition to lumbar spine pain, the condition also alters sensory perception.
Often reduced flexibility of the vertebral column is noted before the onset of pain.
The main symptoms include:
- A sensation of traction or intense pain in the lumbar area, which can be stifling or stabbing.
- Pain that spreads to the hip, pelvis, buttocks and legs.
- Spikes of lower back pain, especially during sneezing or coughing.
- Sensory alterations, such as tingling sensations, itching, numbness, or leg paralysis in more serious cases.
- Pain during intense physical activity or sport.
- A sensation of persistent back tension, even when lying down.
- A sensation of constant blockage in the lumbar vertebrae, including the sacral-iliac joint.
- Limited mobility, with difficulty in bending forwards or arching the back without experiencing pain.
Lumbar pain: revention is better that cure
Before analysing effective treatment methods for lumbar pain, it is important to remember a few rules in preventing this ailment.
Good posture, regular physical exercise, avoiding incorrect weight lifting, embracing healthy habits, like a balanced diet and maintaining an adequate body weight, are all essential in lumbar pain prevention.
Lumbar pain and heat therapy
Specifically, heat therapy (i.e. the application of heat to the lumbar area) provides three main types of action:
- it increases blood circulation;
- stimulates tissue metabolism, aiding repair of damaged tissue;
- reduces pain perception.
Cells receive more oxygen and nutrients due to increased blood flow, which accelerates waste removal and promotes muscle recovery.
Heat also activates thermoreceptors, which compete against pain stimuli in transmission to the brain, thus reducing the intensity of perceived pain.
This therapy is recommended for non-specific muscle and joint pain caused by tension, strain, sprains, excessive stretching or osteoarthritis.
However, it is not suitable for acute inflammation, which requires cold in order to reduce oedema and pain.
Dispo Hot, a convenient solution that alleviates lumbar pain
As previously mentioned, heat therapy is ideal in cases of lumbar pain.
To this effect, Dispotech has conceived Dispo Hot, the single-use non woven fabric hot bag that heats up immediately after pressing the bubble inside it.
Applying the bag to the lumbar area, at the origin of the problem, is a rapid and effective solution to alleviating pain caused by the treated condition.